Prodibio Biokit Reef Nano

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BioKit Reef combines the products needed to maintain a reef tank: BioDigest (live bacteria), Bioptim (micronutrients), Reef Booster, Iodi+ and Stronti+ (coral and live rock supplements).

  • BioKit Reef combines all the Prodibio reef aquarium range in one box
  • BioDigest:
    - composed of live bacterial strains
    - aquarium cleaning by waste matter digestion is helped by the presence of numerous different strains of heterotrophic bacteria
    - nitrates and phosphates are reduced in your saltwater aquarium
    - enables water to be effectively purified
    - prevents the spread of filamentous algae
    - converts ammonia into nitrites - nitrites into nitrates - and - nitrates into nitrogen​
  • Bioptim:
    - contains all the microelements needed for aquarium life (amino acids, enzymes, natural vitamins…)
    - provides trace elements: sulphur for proteins, iron for plants and fish blood...
    - dynamises the cellular metabolism of most of the bacteria living in salt water aquariums
    - Bioptim speedily accelerates the digestion of organic matter
    - fIt also facilitates the elimination of nitrates and phosphates
  • Coral Vits:
    Total multivitamin supplement for corals and fish.
  • Reef Booster:
    - Favors the development of corals, clams, and micro-fauna
    - Helps to the reduction of nitrates and phosphate
    - Contains very high concentrations of the polyunsaturated ω3-fatty acid groups
  • Iodi+ :
    - Supplies the hard corals in your aquarium with the iodine they need to grow and for colouration
    - Combats coral bleaching
  • Stronti+ :
    - Assists in the development of the red and coralline algae that produce the live rock decor
    - It provides all the strontium needed for optimum and healthy coral, clam and coralline algae growth.

When should BioKit Reef be used?

  • In order to have an optimal quality of your marine water aquarium!

How to use BioKit Reef?

Volume  Size Dosage
0 to 15 gallons Nano 1 vial / 15 days
16 to 31 gallons Nano 2 vials / 15 days
32 to 52 gallons Standard 1 vial / 15 days
53 to 105 gallons Standard 2 vials / 15 days
106 to 158 gallons Standard 3 vials / 15 days
159 to 211 gallons Standard 4 vials / 15 days
212 to 264 gallons Standard 5 vials / 15 days


5 Star Reviews


I have been ordering Copepods for many years and I never notice any reaction from my fish or corals when I bought from other places not so buying from Pod Your Reef! The copepods were alive and well! You could even see some swimming around in the tank my mushroom corals went crazy! Highly recommend getting your copepods from here!

Nicholas B.