Exaqua Potassium K Z450

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Set of reagents for determining the content of potassium in fresh and marine water. Each set of reagents is equipped with all necessary accessories (syringes, vials or spatulas)

Set of reagents for determining potassium content in fresh and marine water.

Freshwater – range:

  • high range – 10 to 150 mg/l with a resolution of 0.5 mg/l
  • low range – 2 to 20 mg/l with a resolution of 0.1 mg/l

Marine water – range:

  • 50 to 500 mg/l with a resolution of 2.5 mg/l

Inside the set:

  • powder Reagent K
  • spatula
  • 1 ml syringe

The quantity of reagent: for approximately 25 tests.

Measurement procedure:

  • freshwater: method Z450H – high range / Z450L – low range,
  • marine water: method Z450M

NOTE: to perform a measurement for high range (method Z450H),
it is required to have also deionized water (product code 8903/100 ml bottle or 8905/1000 ml bottle) available as a separate product.


HZ450H – Potassium K high range Video Instructions: 

Z450M – Potassium K marine water Video Instructions:

5 Star Reviews


I have been ordering Copepods for many years and I never notice any reaction from my fish or corals when I bought from other places not so buying from Pod Your Reef! The copepods were alive and well! You could even see some swimming around in the tank my mushroom corals went crazy! Highly recommend getting your copepods from here!

Nicholas B.